Korean Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
The Korea Society for Life Cycle Assessment

해외 배출권거래제도에 관한 연구: 도쿄배출권거래제를 중심으로

서형주1,*, 정환진1, 박찬일1
Hyoung Ju Seo1,*, Hwan Jin Jung1, Chan Il Park1
*교신저자: 서형주, (06779) 서울시 서초구 언남길 신성빌딩7F, Tel: 02-571-6155, Fax: 054-461-1147, Email: seohj@econetwork.com

ⓒ Copyright 2016 The Korea Society for Life Cycle Assessment. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Dec 31, 2016


Countries around the world adopted the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 to deal with the climate changes and introduced an emission trading scheme as a flexible tool to effectively reduce greenhouse gases by utilizing the market functions. Countries in North East Asia such as Japan, China, South Korea launched Emissions Trading Scheme(ETS) with an emerging global trend and now they start to talk whether it is possible to link their national carbon markets.

This study aimed to compare an ETS in South Korea and Japan especially focusing on Tokyo Metropolitan Government Cap-and-Trade Program(TMG cap-and-trade program) began operating in 2010. It analysed TMG Cap-and-Trade’s gas coverage, base year emissions, reduction obligations, Allocation of allowances, Offsets, Credit Trading and then compare with those of Korea’s ETS.

Keywords: 일본 배출권거래제; 도쿄 배출권거래제; TMG cap-and-trade; Tokyo Metropolitan Government Emission Trading Scheme; 국제 탄소시장 연계