Korean Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
The Korea Society for Life Cycle Assessment

미분류 열가소성 범용수지 폐기물 재자원화의 환경영향 저감효과 분석

이종효1, 황용우2, 김두영3, 박영수4
Jong Hyo Lee1, Yong Woo Hwang2, Doo Young Kim3, Young Su Park4
1인하대학교 순환경제환경시스템전공
2인하대학교 환경공학과
1Program in Circular Economy Environmental System, Inha University
2Department of Environmental Engineering, Inha University
3Dooyoung Metal
4Daekeum Geowell Co.,Ltd.

ⓒ Copyright 2022 The Korea Society for Life Cycle Assessment. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Dec 02, 2022


본 연구는 미분류 열가소성 범용수지 폐기물의 소각·매립 공정과 폐플라스틱 블록 생산 공정, 그리고 내장재 콘크리트 벽돌 생산에 대한 회피효과를 고려하여 환경영향 비교 분석을 수행하였다. 분석 결과, ODP는 1.49E-05 kg CFC-11-eq./unit 저감되었으며, 비율상으로는 99.95%로 거의 대부분의 환경영향을 제거하는 것으로 나타났다. POCP 또한 1.64E+00 kg C2H4-eq./unit 감소하는 것으로 나타났으며 비율상으로는 무려 99.88%에 육박한다. AP도 2.30E+01 kg SO2-eq./unit 감소하였으며 비율상으로는 97.92%에 달한다. EP도 마찬가지로 2.79E+00 kg PO43--eq./unit 감소하였으며 비율상으로도 96.86%의 높은 저감폭을 보였다. GWP의 저감량 또한 1.49E+03 kg CO2-eq./unit이며 비율상으로는 83.77%로 높은 수준에서 환경영향이 저감되었다. ADP의 경우 감축량은 1.92E-01 kg Sb-eq./unit이며 비율상으로는 15.09%로 6대 환경영향범주 중 저감 효과가 가장 적은 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과는 미분류 열가소성 범용수지 폐기물을 재자원화할 경우 기존의 열가소성 범용수지 폐기물 소각·매립 대비 ODP, POCP, AP, EP의 4개 범주에서 거의 모든 환경영향을 제거할 수 있음을 의미하며 특히 CO2의 온실가스 저감효과는 소나무 634 그루, 신갈나무 421 그루가 연간 흡수하는 온실가스의 양과 동일한 수준이다. 본 연구를 통해 도출한 시사점은 미분류 열가소성 범용수지 폐기물 재자원화의 필요성 및 사업화 방법에 대한 거시적인 차원의 근거자료로써 분명한 목적을 띄고 있으며 이는 향후 보다 정교한 데이터 수집 과정을 통한 파생 연구의 가능성을 제시한다.


This study conducted the environmental load comparative analysis between unclassified thermoplastic wastes incineration/landfill and recycled thermoplastic blocks manufacturing with considering the avoided burden effects of concrete bricks manufacturing by using the LCA methodology and quantitatively calculated the environmental advantages of recycling unclassified thermoplastic blocks manufacturing. As a result of the environmental impact assessment of the recycling unclassified thermoplastic blocks manufacturing, ODP was decreased by 1.49E-05 kg CFC-11-eq./unit, and the reduction ratio was 99.95% which implies removing most of all environmental impact. POCP also decreased by 1.64E+00 kg C2H4-eq./unit, and the reduction ratio was 99.88%. AP also was decreased by 2.30E+01 kg SO2-eq./unit, and the reduction ratio was 97.92%. EP also was decreased by 2.79E+00 kg PO43--eq./unit and the reduction ratio was 96.86%. The reduced amount of GWP also was 1.49E+03 kg CO2-eq./unit and the reduction ratio was 83.77%. But, ADP was decreased by 1.92E-01 kg Sb-eq./unit and the reduction ratio was 15.09% which is the least reduction effect among the six environmental impact categories. The results of this study imply that recycling unclassified thermoplastic wastes can eliminate most of all environmental impacts in the four categories (ODP, POCP, AP, and EP) compared to thermoplastic waste incineration/landfill. In particular, the reduction of CO2 emission can be visualized at the same level as the amount of annual greenhouse gas absorption of 634 pine trees or 421 oak trees. The implications derived from this study have a clear purpose as macroscopic basis data for the necessity of recycling waste thermoplastics and business strategy, and this suggests the possibility of derivative research through a more sophisticated data collection process in future research.

Keywords: 미분류 열가소성 범용수지 폐기물; 열가소성 범용수지 재활용 블록; 전과정평가; 환경영향평가; 열가소성 범용수지 재활용 기술
Keywords: Unclassified thermoplastic waste; Recycled thermoplastic block; Life cycle assessment; Environmental impact assessment; Thermoplastic recycling technology